Press Releases & Newsletters
Hull Daily Mail Article – “We wouldn’t be mums without Hull & East Riding Fertility”
Please visit the link below to read a recent article in the Hull Daily Mail; Some of our former patients have kindly shared their stories to help raise awareness of infertility and give hope to anyone else facing fertility problems.
Sex, Drugs and Lullabies – Podcast
Following on from National Fertility Awareness Week, two local journalists, and former patients, have created a series of Podcasts for the BBC. Please see the link below for episode 1. We will share a link to episode 2 once this has been released. If you download and subscribe, when other episodes are released they will download automatically to your phone or tablet.
Zika Virus Update
Every Friday the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) update their website regarding the Countries affected by the Zika Virus and any recommendations regarding fertility treatment and pregnancy.
If you have travelled to, or are planning to travel to a Zika affected Country, it is imperative that you discuss this fully with a member of the Hull IVF team before undertaking any fertility treatment.
For more information regarding the Zika virus and the recommendations by the ECDC please see:
There is also information on the World Health Organisation website – – seach Zika Virus.
If you require any further information about the Zika Virus please do not hesitate in contacting us Contact Us
Press Releases
Please see our recent article in the Yorkshire Post written by Dr John Robinson, our Scientific Director. Article_September_2014_Yorkshire_Post.doc – if you would like any further help or information regarding our clinic please contact us on 01482 382648.
Page Last Modified: 22nd January 2025