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Success Rates

Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycles

Clinical Pregnancy Results 2023

Patients’ own eggs

Our 2023 results for frozen embryo transfer cycles have not yet been validated by the HFEA, but we like to keep you informed of our current success rates. In 2023, 159 frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles using the patients’ own eggs resulted in an embryo transfer. The following table only includes patients using their own eggs. No surrogacy cases are included.

The success of frozen embryo transfers may depend more on the age of the patient at embryo freezing than their age at embryo transfer, therefore the results have been broken down into age categories for their age at freeze.

2023, patients’ own eggs
Age at freeze Clinical pregnancy events per treatment cycle started Clinical pregnancy events per embryo transfer Foetal hearts per embryo transferred
All ages 62/161






59 singletons, 3 twins

<35 49/112






46 singletons, 3 twin

35-37 7/22






7 singletons

38-39 2/16






2 singletons

≥40 4/11






4 singletons


Frozen treatment cycles – Live Birth Results 2023 (full calendar year)

In 2023, 159 frozen embryo treatment cycles using the patients’ own eggs resulted in an embryo transfer. As this is the most recent data the results have not yet been validated by the HFEA, but we like to keep you informed of our current success rates. The following table only includes patients using their own eggs. No surrogacy cases are included.

The success of frozen embryo transfers may depend more on the age of the patient at embryo freezing than their age at embryo transfer, therefore the results have been broken down into age categories for the patients’ age at freeze.


2023, patients’ own eggs
Age Live birth events per treatment cycle started Live birth events per embryo transfer Live births per embryo transferred
All ages 53/161






51 singletons, 1 twin

<35 43/112






41 singletons, 1 twin

35-37 6/22






6 singletons

38-39 1/16






1 singleton

≥40 3/11






3 singletons


Frozen embryo transfer cycles – HFEA validated

Patients’ own eggs

The below table shows the live births per embryo transferred for patients undergoing frozen embryo transfer from January 2016 to December 2018 using their own eggs. The data provided here is for three years due to smaller patient numbers. These results have been validated by the HFEA.


2016-2018, patients’ own eggs, frozen embryo transfers
Age Live births per embryo transferred Comments
Clinic results National average
All ages 105/381




Consistent with national average
Under 35 78/260




Consistent with national average
35-37 18/80




Consistent with national average
38-39 18% Too few patients to provide accurate data
40-42 12% Too few patients to provide accurate data
43-44 0 5% None performed within date range
Over 44 0 3% None performed within date range


Donated eggs

Some patients who create embryos with donor eggs may have embryos frozen and use later in a frozen embryo transfer cycle. Clinical pregnancy rates and live birth rates for 2016-2018 are shown below. Please note these results are for a 3-year period due to smaller patient numbers. These results have been validated by the HFEA.


2016-2018, donated eggs, all ages Results National Average Comments
Clinical pregnancy per cycle 10/25




Consistent with national average
Live Birth per cycle 9/25




Consistent with national average
Clinical pregnancy per embryo transferred 10/30




Consistent with national average
Live birth per embryo transferred 9/30




Consistent with national average












Page Last Modified: 17th December 2024